Ideally play fullscreen on a 1080p monitor, with an image of HD aspect ratio (i.e. 16:9)
- Start by dropping an image on the page.
- Adjust the image brightness, contrast etc. with the buttons on the top.
- Once ready, press 'Ready' to lock in the image; then press 'Play' to start solving the jigsaw.
Click on tiles to pick and drop them. Tiles dropped close to the correct position will auto-snap in place.
The following hotkeys can be useful:
- W: Toggle auto-pickup of the next tile after dropping/discarding the current tile
- D: Discard the current tile
- A: Scramble all incorrectly placed tiles
- Z: Repick the last discarded tile
- Mouse wheel: Adjust brightness of the ghost image or correctly placed tiles
A perfect score of 100 is achieved by completing a 16x9=144 tile game within 6 minutes.
Caution: It is not for the faint-hearted!